Please click here for the Government's summary of performance at Grafton Primary School.
Reception - Teachers complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, making judgements on children’s achievement towards the Early Learning Goals for learning (ELGs). This profile has to be completed by the end of June.
Year 1 – children take the Phonics Screening Check, which is assessing children’s phonic knowledge and in particular their skills at segmenting and blending (hearing the letter sounds (phonemes) within words and saying the whole word). The Phonics Screening check is administered in a specified week in June.
Year 2 – children take National Curriculum Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading and Mathematics. The SATs test are used to inform teacher judgements of children’s achievement for the end of KS1. These tests can be administered throughout the month of May.
Year 4 – children take the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether children can recall their timetables fluently, which is essential for future success in Mathematics. The MTC is administered in June, during a specified two weeks.
Year 6 – children take National Curriculum Assessment Tests (SATs) in Reading, Mathematics, Spelling and Grammer. The SATs tests are used to inform teacher judgements for at the end of Year 6. Please let me stress that there is no pass or fail, the assessments give an indication as to the progress children have made and where they are currently working at. Year 6 teachers use evidence that they have collected over the academic year to support them in making a judgement on children’s achievements in Writing. The SATs tests are administered in a specified week in May.
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