The Governing Body of Grafton Primary School consists of 12 governors.
Currently have Governors in post as follows:
Co-Link for SEND
Link Governor for Behaviour
Headteacher Performance Management Review
Chair of the Pay Committee
Term of office 7-7-23 to 6-7-27
Link Governor for Fundraising, Finance and Resources
Headteacher Performance Management Review
Term of office 21-5-23 to 20-5-27
Link Governor for Rights Respecting Schools, GDPR and Attendance
Term of office 24-3-24 to 23-3-28
Headteacher Governor
Mrs Junaida Bana - Head teacher - ex offcio member
Link for stakeholder views
Term of office 8-12-22 to 7-12-26
Link Governor for the Arts
Link for Curriculum/Standards
Link for Equality/Race & Social Justice
Term of office 8-12-21 to 7-12-25
Link for Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Pupil Premium
Term of office 14-7-23 to 13-7-27
Link Governor for Assessment
Link for Curriculum and Standards
Term of office 15-5-24 to 14-5-28
Link Governor for Premises, Health and Safety, Maths
Term of office 9-11-21 to 8-11-25
Link Governor for Inclusion, SEND (incl. the Ark and The Nest), Pastoral Development
Term of office 17-5-22 to 16-5-26
Link Governor for Safeguarding & Attendance
Term of office 1-11-24-31-10-28
Governance Professional
Our professional clerk is Jackie Day. If you would like to get in touch with the Governors, please contact Jackie via the school office. Alternatively, use our virtual governor suggestion box. Governors warmly welcome communication from parents and recognise the importance of parent voice in continual school improvement.
Chair of Governors
Our Chair is Dr Roza Roza Shirazi. She can be contacted through the school office.
Annual Governance Statement of the Governing Body of Grafton Primary School
Governing Body Committees:
Governors have one committee. All other business is conducted by the full Governing Body, which meets once every half term.
Pay Committee
This committee considers recommendations from the Headteacher and agrees annual pay increases for all staff. The Committee meets at least once a year, or as required. The membership of the Committee is the Headteacher plus Dr Roza Shirazi, Mr Kamesh Rajaram and Cllr Syed Ghani.
Statutory Committees (e.g Pupil Disciplinary, Appeal, Staff Disciplinary, Redundancy)
All Governors (except staff) will will form a pool from which they will be selected to serve on panels according to availability and suitability. The terms of reference for each panel will be as per the relevant procedure/policy. In some circumstances (when suitable Governors cannot be selected from the Governing Body of Grafton Primary School), the governors of the PACE schools will be approached to serve on statutory panels/committees.
Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests
All Governors are required to sign a declaration of interest form annually.
They are also require to disclose any pecuniary/business interests relating to specific items on the agenda at every meeting.
At this time the declared interests are:
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