
Spring 2 Newsletter

March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

It does not seem possible that we have reached the end of another term. Following a very challenging first half-term with positive Covid cases very high for children and staff, our second half-term has been much more settled with the numbers dropping significantly. It has been great to see parents and carers back in school for Parent's Evening and our school staff having the opportunity to hold face to face meetings. In the summer term, we are going to be continuing with coffee mornings on a Tuesday morning in the KS1 hall. Each week we will have a different focus so that as many parents and carers as possible can discuss any issues or concerns with school staff. We are really looking forward to inviting parents and carers back to school to attend class assemblies in the summer term. The invitation to parents to attend will be extended initially to Year 3 and Year 1 with other year groups included for Summer term 2. We will be sending details of the exact dates and times at the start of the summer term. Click on the link to view this half term's newsletter with updates and photographs from every year group. 


We are very hopeful that the refurbishment of the Year 6 toilets will be completed before we return to school and they will be ready for our first day back. Please remember that we will have a new lunch menu in place for the start of the new term. Make sure you get the opportunity to view the new menu before we return so that children are not disappointed with their choice of food. We would like to very politely request that all children are in school every day if possible. We do understand that occasionally children will become ill, however, we are sure that everyone is aware of the importance of children attending school every day. We also need to advise everyone that we cannot authorise any holidays taken during term time. Can we please politely remind everyone about the importance of children being on time for school every day. We do understand that at times certain circumstances can result in parents or carers running late, however almost every morning we have a very similar group of children who are late arriving in class and are continually missing the start of their learning.


Finally, we would like to thank everyone for their support during the past term. As we have pointed out on many occasions previously, we are very much aware of the importance of a meaningful and active partnership between our school and our parents and carers to ensure the best possible outcomes for all our children. Please make sure you all have a well-deserved restful two weeks and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Tuesday 19th of April. 


Kind regards

Martin Nicholson

Afternoon Tea with Mr Nicholson

We are delighted to announce that Zachary from 4 Oak has achieved 4 silver awards and 1 gold award. As recognition of his achievements Zachary was invited to a special afternoon tea with Mr Nicholson. Mr Nicholson is looking forward to inviting more children to join him for afternoon tea.

Well done Zachary!

The Ark

During the second half of the spring term, the children in the Ark have been learning about the weather. Each week, the children explored different weather conditions such as sun, cloud, rain, wind, ice and snow.

In Tiger group, the children got creative when making their own sun catchers. They also had a splash when exploring the rain, by wearing their wellington boots to jump up and down in puddles. Our ‘wind’ theme included a lovely sensory experience for the children, when they held a hand-held fan to blow the feathers into the air. The children particularly enjoyed exploring the ice and making marks using coloured ice cubes.

In Lion group, the children enjoyed the weather themed Attention Autism sessions. For the ‘sun’ theme, the children were engaged as they made shadows using a torch. The children also got creative as they made their own penguins. 


This half term the Nursery children have been busy making pancakes, dressing up as their favourite book character and as superheroes. 


We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters and voting for our favourite book that we have read in Nursery. The book with the most votes was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 


We have been learning about plants and finding out what a plant needs to grow and how we look after them. We have planted mustard seeds and we are looking forward to watching them grow. 


In Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns and shapes and finding items around the classroom that are long and short. 


The children are enjoying being out in the garden in the warmer weather. Please could you make sure that your child's jumper is labelled.


In Literacy we have been reading ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We went on our own bear hunt around the school, looking under, above, on, and in different places. We acted out the story in some very messy settings!


In Maths we have been finding out about doubles. We painted markings on one side of a butterfly, then repeated them on the other side to show the double. We can show doubles on our fingers and some of the doubles we can remember all by ourselves from playing games in class.


For Expressive Art and Design, the children have had lots of opportunities to create masterpieces! They have enjoyed creating art with money, by coin rubbing to create pictures as well as using their imagination to create their own stories (Helicopter stories) which were acted out by the rest of the class. They also worked with KS1 & KS2 to create doves for Peace Day which were hung around the school and tied white ribbons on the school gates as an act of solidarity and reminder of peace.


We celebrated Easter as part of our Understanding of the World this half term, and we also explored a bear’s habitat! Reception discovered where they live, what they eat and what their babies are called. In Physical Development we travelled through different terrains on a bear hunt; thinking about the different obstacles within the text and how we could imitate them e.g. the long swishy swashy grass.

Year 1

This half term we have been busy continuing our work on Space. The children have been learning all about famous Astronauts. They have learnt a lot about Mai Jemison in our Literacy lessons as we have been looking at the book ‘Look up’. The children have used all their knowledge about astronauts and other aspects of space to help them write a non- fiction book.

In DT this half term we have been looking at structures and building windmills for a mouse. The children built their structure and roof first. They then moved onto build their turbines and attached these using pipe cleaners to allow them to spin.

In Science we have been focusing on the weather. The storm at the start of the half term allowed us to have a lot of discussions about climate change and what this meant for our weather. The children completed weather diaries, we looked closely at how our weather changed and identified ways in which we could help slow down climate change.

Year 2
Year 2 would like to let you into a little secret….. there are dragons in our school! We know this as we have seen them around our school. Following our dragon hunt, where we used our photography skills, we wrote a report for Mr Nicholson to share with the Governors as well as a guide to help others spy the dragons in their hiding places. In Literacy we followed the story George in  ‘The Dragon Machine’, who spied his own dragons and returned them to the wilderness, this led us to plan and write our own story The Dragon Catcher, with many children completing their best piece of writing for the year so far – we included prepositions (positional words), adjectives to add detail to our sentences, conjunctions to extend our sentences and of course we tried to write in clear, meaningful, punctuated sentences. 
In maths we revisited strategies for addition and subtraction and then explored the properties of 2d and 3d shapes. We had fun finding shapes in our everyday environment and constructing 3d shapes from polygon pieces and nets. We can now talk about 2d shapes in terms of their number of sides, whether they are straight or curved, the number of vertices (where two sides meet) and whether or not they are symmetrical. For 3d shapes we can discuss the number and shape of faces, whether they are flat or curved, the number of edges (where two faces meet) and the number of vertices (where two or more edges meet) – Why not test us? 
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Year 2 Rights Ambassadors 

On Thursday the 10th of March as part of the Eat them to defeat them campaign we took part in a food preparation workshop with our school cooks. We learnt about different types of peppers and how to prepare them for eating.

Benjamin – I liked chopping the peppers with a knife.

We have started collecting fruit waste during our fruit times. To prepare for this we coloured class name labels to put on the front of the bins and wrote a list of instructions for each class to follow before giving them out. Every Friday, we empty the fruit waste into the compost bins in the Hive garden. We replace the bin liners and take them back to the Year 2 classes ready for the next week. 

Samreen- I like putting the fruit waste in the compost because the worms wriggle around and make new soil.

Benjamin, Samreen, Hafsa, Jasmir, Amina, Ryan, Kelechi and Abdul Reham.

Year 3

This half-term we have planned and written our own Egyptian diary entry as adventurers. We edited and then wrote up our work on ancient papyrus! This is displayed in the Year 3 corridor to share with our fellow pupils.

In our History lessons, we have learned about the process of mummification in Ancient Egypt. We became embalmers for the day and mummified a tomato with our partners. To celebrate all our Ancient Egyptian learning, we had an Egyptian day. We dressed up as members of society and took part in fun activities. We wrote in hieroglyphics, made papyrus, and learnt an Egyptian dance.

This week, we visited St Mary’s Church and learnt about the festival of Easter. We were detectives, took part in a scavenger hunt and raced flipping pancakes.

In our Science learning, we explored the parts of the plant by getting our hands dirty and dissecting flowers. We role played the process of pollination and made presentations on Chromebooks about the importance of bees.

Year 4
Spring 2 has been another great term for Y4. 
The Problem With Plastic
In Literacy, we have been learning about the story of Isatou Ceesay and the story 'One Plastic Bag'. From this we have created our own persuasive speeches, poems, and reports on what we can do to help with the plastic problem. 
The Water Cycle
In Science, we have been learning about the water cycle. We have carried out investigations on melting chocolate, freezing water and created our own water cycle with ice, hot water and cling film! This brought our learning to life as we could see the process happening before our eyes. 
Cooking Cookies
In our DT lessons, we have been looking at cookies. After thinking about the ingredients, the packaging, and the recipe, we designed our own masterpiece and had plenty of fun mixing, sifting, and baking. The final products were very tasty! 
We hope everyone has a restful Easter and we are very much looking forward to the Summer Term. 

Year 5

Our topic in Geography in the Spring Term was The United Kingdom and Brazil. We chose these two countries because we wanted to learn about similarities and differences between the places in two different hemispheres. We used atlases to locate cities, mountains and rivers in Brazil and the UK. Exploring new potential travel destinations was very exciting! The best part of our new learning was exploring Brazilian biomes and creating a persuasive brochure to visit a place in Brazil, which was our end product.

By Ismaeel

On the 29th March, all of the Year 5 children participated in the Great British Spring Clean. We went to Valance Park to pick up rubbish in order to make the place cleaner. We made sure we did it safely by using litter pickers and disposable gloves. Great British Spring Clean was an amazing experience. We had lots of fun and at the same time helped our local natural environment become greener and healthier.

By Riley

Year 6

This half term, Year 6 pupils went to the park or the school hive to look for invertebrates. We recorded what we found in a tally table, then converted it into a bar chart. This was all part of our Science topic Living Things and Their Habitats.


Peace day


The day before Peace Day we held hands with pupils from Reception and taught them how to tie white ribbons on the school gates and the rights ambassadors taught Nursery  how to tie it too. Then on Peace Day everyone held hands all throughout the school. After that, we passed on a clap.




●    The week commencing 25th April 2022 will be mock SATs week. We will practise our SATs tests this week.

●     Starting from the 9th of May to the 12th May will be the real SATs week so attendance is required!


Make sure to revise over the Easter holidays and most importantly -  have fun!


By Bhoomi.D , Skylar.M ,Lewis.T and David.N

Trip to Brentwood Preparatory

Yesterday, me and three other pupils (Eiyyan, Sanjana and Jasrah) went on an able writers trip. This trip was held at Brentwood Preparatory School.

My day at Brentwood Preparatory was amazing. I have never had such an experience. Matt Whyman, an author who has written thirty books, took us through the journey of journalism. It was so much fun to learn about journalism and ‘become journalists. Matt made up a few bystanders who were present at the scene. We were given the job to interview them and learnt that we had to use open-ended questions instead of closed questions to get the most from our interviewee. The teachers from other schools were acting as the characters so we could interview them. Sometimes they spoke a bit too fast and we couldn’t keep up. Matt taught us that it is like we have a remote control and we could tell them to pause, repeat themselves or carry on. After a while, everybody got the hang of being journalists which made it even more fun. 

I loved meeting other children from different schools and all the teachers were extremely kind. This will be an experience that I will never forget.

By Isra Uddin 

Our Trip To Brentwood Preparatory School

A few children got picked to go to a creative writing workshop, the children were: Eiyyan, Isra, Jasrah and Sanjana. We travelled to the Brentwood Preparatory School and arrived at 9.30 am. We met a famous author called Matt Whyman (he has written 30 books). He explained to us about journalism. We met many students from different schools. 

He told us that we were no longer students, but ‘journalists!’ Matt explained that we would be writing a report about pupils blocking a construction site. He picked four teachers to act as some characters and we had to interview them and take notes. At first the teachers were talking really quickly. But then Matt said the key was to talk politely and imagine we were holding an invisible remote and controlling them.

When we finished our note taking (it was exhausting!) we had lunch. The food was scrumptious. After refreshing ourselves in the sunshine, we gathered our notes and shaped them into a story. Matt had created an online news website and we were called the Daily Biscuit 8/5’.

Later on when we finished shaping our facts, we had a deadline to make our real report. It was fun, but we also had time pressure! After that, some people went ’live’ and read their reports out loud with confidence. It was time to go and we set off, back to our school.

This is an experience all of us will never forget!

by Sanjana and Jasrah

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