At Grafton Primary School, we deliver a creative curriculum in Nursery, KS1 and KS2, linked to the National Curriculum and the year groups’ topics, enabling pupils to make connections between subjects, to deepen their understanding (by using a visual and kinaesthetic language) and to think creatively and critically.
We aim:
- To inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to participate in, experiment with, invent and create their works of art, craft and design.
- To offer pupils the opportunity to investigate and evaluate a wide range of creative outcomes from the past and present to develop a rigorous understanding of the many disciplines within art, craft and design and how they shape our history and future.
- To encourage pupils to look, talk, critique and creatively respond to the work of artists, craftspeople, designers, filmmakers and architects; becoming increasingly aware of the broad diversity of creative practice across the visual arts.
- To enable pupils to create sketchbooks and methods of recording to generate, develop, research, record their observations, and use them to review and revisit ideas.