At Grafton, we believe that all children are Mathematicians and develop a command of, and confidence with, the mathematics that they encounter both in school and in the real world. Being secure and confident in Maths is a life skill – we all handle money and budget our finances, we all need to tell the time and understand measures when cooking for example. Sound mathematical skills and understanding are also vital for many future careers such as engineers, architects, scientists and computer coders.
All children have a right to an education (Article 28) and Mathematics is a vital part of so many other curriculum subjects such as Science, Geography, History and D&T so it is important that all children are able to succeed in mathematical challenges.
Mathematics occurs daily in all classes from Nursery to Year 6. We teach for Maths mastery; classes are taught together with the exception of year 5 and 6 who are currently taught in sets. Within our teaching, children are encouraged to work together, share ideas and approaches and learn from one another. To support the children’s recall and fluency one lesson per week is dedicated to rehearsing basic skills and developing fluency, which will facilitate children using their maths skills in other curriculum areas and contexts.
We follow the Power Maths scheme, to sequence and structure our learning from year to year, building on the children’s skills, knowledge and understanding. Within lessons, there are always opportunities to apply and investigate maths.
A key focus in our maths marking and feedback is on recognising children’s efforts, perseverance, determination and flexibility in their working methods and understanding.
We currently have subscriptions with a number of online apps such as Sumdog, TTRockstars and Numbots, through self -directed games play and regular organised competitions children are encouraged to develop their skills and understanding whilst being rewarded with avatars and online environments. Providing a strong link to our parent and carers community as they can support this learning at home.
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