At Grafton Primary School, we follow the Barking & Dagenham agreed syllabus for Religious Education.
Click here for LBBD RE agreed syllabus.
RE is delivered in an informative and fun way throughout our school, with children discussing their opinions and ideas in safe and respectful environment. We focus on a Big Question for each year group, such as - What is important to me? What is important to me and others? What
does it mean to belong? Can stories
change people? How are symbols and saying important in religion? What is special to me and the people in my community? How do beliefs influence actions? How important are the similarities and differences between and within religions?
Here they get to explore different religions across all year groups, linking back to the Big Question. This is
extremely important as it helps children to share their different religious backgrounds and learn about others in order to develop a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Our curriculum also offers opportunities to visit places of worship for all taught faiths, where children can enjoy first-hand experience to support their understanding.
At Grafton, we teach five main religions such as; Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism. We explore each religion to learn, for example, how followers worship, where they worship, what is celebrated (including festivals), symbols and signs, dress and traditional stories. In addition, we look at Rights & Responsibilities, people who changed the world, how we can express faith through the arts and moral values.
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