Personal, Social, Health

and Economic


At Grafton Primary School PSHE aims to help develop pupils into healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage all of our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community through school councils, fundraising events, supporting nominated charities and involvement in community events. Our pupils are given opportunities in PSHE and through our rights respecting work to develop: confidence, self-motivation and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our diverse society.

Our school uses the PSHE scheme Jigsaw, to deliver its lessons from Nursery through to Year 6.  The PSHE curriculum includes specific teaching on themes such as: Anti-Bullying and Respect, Sex and Relationships Education and Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education. However, the curriculum is also delivered through assemblies, via educational visits, as well as through other subjects and activities within the curriculum.

Our Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship  curriculum is based around the acronym REAL.

 Our REAL Curriculum is...

R - Relevant, research-based, reflective

E - Engaging, enquiry-led

A - Aspirational, achievement for all

 L - For life-long love of learning

R: relevant, research-based, reflective

  • The PSHE and C curriculum will be relevant of the needs of the local school community demographic and their families. 
  • Some of the content of the curriculum is based upon local data and information provided by the borough and government as well as our local knowledge. 
  • The learning that takes place is relevant to the children and the offers them a safe space to express their ideas, thoughts and opinions as well as be challenged by.

E: engaging, enquiry-led

  • The children will have the opportunity to consider the world in which they live and their own place in the world is through key questions that will support their enquiry skills and support them to seek solutions.
  • Children will take part in discussions, which are question led  and they are encouraged to think deeply about real life situations, solve problems and prepare themselves for life in order to be safe, healthy and happy.


A:  Aspirational, achievement for all

  • The curriculum and additional opportunities that we offer to children allow them to prepare for their future lives, including working on and growing positive  attitudes and attributes that will help them to cope. Understand the need for economic stability, healthy and safety.
  • Provide opportunities to consider their future aims, aspirations  and dreams for their lives by arranging visits, inviting guests, listening to speakers and watch drama that will inspire and educate them.
  • The children will have opportunities to have experiences that they might be exposed to outside of school. 

L:  For life-long love of learning 

  • For the children to develop the skills and knowledge to live happy , successful lives 
  • The children will be able to understand that there are careers for people who are well developed, caring and reflective people. 
  • The curriculum helps the children to be part of the world and make a positive contribution to it. 

 For more information about what pupils’ learn about each half term, please see the Jigsaw curriculum overview.

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How does the Jigsaw 3-11 meet the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Early Learning Goals?

What is Jigsaw, the mindful approach

to PSHE (ages 3-11)?

A guide for parents and carers

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